Stephan Spencer

August 8, 2006

Blog for a cure?

You have probably seen fundraising campaigns like “Race for the Cure” or similar, and the cure is for a cure to cancer or AIDS or any […]
August 2, 2006

A virtual world of our future?

Not long ago I read the book The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson. It really got me thinking about the future of profound changes we are […]
July 31, 2006

Jimmy Carter and Larry Brilliant?

It would be fascinating to get a conversation going between President Jimmy Carter and the head of the Google Foundation, Larry Brilliant. President Carter has some […]
July 23, 2006

An affiliate network for charity?

There are some do-gooder websites out there that have signed up for a number of affiliate programs and when you go to their website first then […]
July 21, 2006

Contest to inspire child inventors?

Children of this world are our future. There are some wonderful kids out there; smart innovative children who are just looking for the opportunity to show […]
July 21, 2006

Indigo Evolution blog: blog about Indigo children?

The Indigo Evolution documentary, which I found really interesting and well done, is now available on DVD. Included in the special features on the DVD over […]