A way for the President and law-makers to gauge public opinion?

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June 27, 2006
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July 4, 2006

A way for the President and law-makers to gauge public opinion?

Social networks like Friendster and Facebook, if they are popular enough and have a large enough base of users, could be a mechanism for the President and law-makers to gauge public opinion on a particular issue.

How much more of a democracy would we live in if the people we have elected actually have their finger on the pulse of their constituents’ opinions and wishes. This increased transparency would undoubtedly help these officials make better, more informed decisions.

I am not quite sure how this would work but perhaps there could be questionnaires for users to fill out, or hot topic issues could be highlighted, somehow inviting people to lodge their opinion for a position on that issue.

1 Comment

  1. The_Lex says:

    Friendster? Really? I thought that place had become a fossil after MySpace ate the grissel and meat off it.

    Pesonally, though, I’m more of a fan of Friendster, myself. Too much detritus on MySpace.

    I’m also somewhat of a Luddite when it comes to knowing the “cool” things on the Internet.

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