Stephan Spencer

July 19, 2006

“How Google could save our planet” blog?

Google Inc. has quite a number of corporate blogs focused around particular products and services they offer and a number of Googlers (that is what Google […]
July 15, 2006

AdSense for .gov’s and .edu’s

Government and university websites are not very keen to post Google ads, for obvious reasons. They are not looking to make a few bucks off advertising […]
July 14, 2006

Leave your ideas after the beep

There are services out there like the really cool Hipcast service (previously named where you can call a phone number and record a voice message […]
July 4, 2006

How generosity creates wealth

The Dalai Lama says that “Generosity creates wealth”. I believe that. And here’s an idea that you can apply to prove it to yourself. Give generously […]
June 27, 2006

A way for the President and law-makers to gauge public opinion?

Social networks like Friendster and Facebook, if they are popular enough and have a large enough base of users, could be a mechanism for the President […]
June 27, 2006

A contextual advertising network for charity?

In addition to Google’s AdSense network there are a number of other competing networks, including Yahoo Publisher Network, Kanoodle BrightAds, etc. It would be great to […]